Wednesday, April 10, 2013

#909 catching up with the family

I really meant to be good about writing every other day this month. Oops.

Things are pretty quiet around the house now that spring break is over and T is back in school.  Now that the musical is over, it's time for track. The weather this week has been typical Utah spring: cold in the morning, maybe a little rain, sunny in the afternoon but chilly. He had practice today. He's a fast runner. I hope he has fun and enjoys himself.

MT is working here in town, but his start time is 6 AM, so he's in bed by around 8:30 since he's getting up around 4:30. He is very good about getting to bed on time. I think it's because he has insomnia sometimes and can't sleep through the night. He regularly wakes up before his alarm goes off, so he reads for awhile before he gets up. MT does work some overtime, but he's usually home before I get home from work.

As for me, I am not disciplined about getting to bed on time. I told myself that I need to be in bed by 10 PM and lights out by 10:30, but that hasn't happened one day this week. On Sunday I was up until around 12:30 because I was this close to finishing a book and I just had to get it done, which I did. I have been to sleep earlier than 12:30, but I haven't hit the 10:00 or 10:30 goal yet this week. Maybe today? (Doubtful. It's 9:39 and I'm writing.)

I'm also not very good at getting my exercise. I have been on my stationary bike here at home a couple of times this week, but only for 25 minutes or so. I guess something is better than nothing. My brain is yelling at my body to get back to the gym, but my body... You've heard that a body in motion stays in motion. Let me assure you that the opposite is also true. A body at rest tends to stay at rest.

For some people, when the going gets tough, they go to the gym. That's not me. The past three weeks have been very difficult for me at work and with the robbery here at home, and I have not responded well. I am an emotional eater, and that's an issue. I stay up late thinking about my issues, or rather, entertaining myself so I don't think about my issues or I lay in bed and toss around because I can't shut my mind down. Then I'm too tired to even think about doing anything except getting take-out and repeating the pattern. It's vicious.

I'm really trying to turn it around this week, though. Like I said, I've been on my stationary bike, and I do believe something is better than nothing. I've taken Osi out for a couple of walks, and that's good for both of us. I've cooked dinner every night this week. I'm drinking my water. I'm trying to get all my fruits and veggies in. I just really need to get my groove back.  I will explore this groove thing more in the future.

OK, that's all I've got for tonight. I hope you are all having a fantastic week so far and planning fun stuff for the weekend.'s 9:57. Probably not going to hit that 10:00 bedtime.

PPS...this post seemed a little dreary, so I added a couple of happy flowers. :o)

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