Monday, April 15, 2013

#910 cheese, suits, no style and low self-confidence

Man! Time flies...I didn't even realize that it's been five days since I've written. Here's some notes:

  • On Friday night, T and I went to the last regular season home game of the Jazz. T brought his friend Huy.  I learned something interesting from Huy, who is Asian. T was eating from cheese and crackers and he offered some to Huy. He declined, saying that he doesn't eat much cheese. I asked him why and he said, "I'm Asian. We don't eat a lot of cheese." So I started thinking about Chinese food, and Thai food and Japanese food, and there isn't cheese in any of those foods that I could think of. Huh. I never thought about it before. 
  •  On Saturday night, MT and I went over to the Men's Wearhouse store. MT will be a groomsman (maybe the best man or maybe the co-best man) at his brother's wedding this weekend, so MT wanted a great suit. He got a really beautiful suit and a pair of nice shoes. The store was having a buy-one-get-one-for-$100 sale, so tonight, MT took T over and got him a suit, too. They will both look dapper and dashing at the wedding while I will look just like myself. That brings me to my next point:
  • I don't have style. I spent time at Macy's and JCPenney looking for something nice to wear to the wedding. Now, the wedding will take place at 3 in the afternoon at a ranch in a village in the middle of Missouri. It's the second marriage for both the bride and the groom, so it's a little more casual than a big ol' church wedding, but still, you want to look appropriate. I couldn't find a dress I liked, and I have ugly, beefy, glowing white legs and nasty cankles anyway, so it's not much fun to wear a dress. I opted for a pair of slacks and a cardigan along with a pretty scarf. I'll have to buy some shoes. Now, thinking about MT and T in their suits, I am super-unhappy with my choice. The outfit is just totally something I would wear to work, not fun at all. What should I do?
  • My self-confidence is at an all-time low. I can't think about this too much or elaborate on it or I will just collapse in tears, and today is one of the first days I haven't cried. (How sad is that?) Maybe I'm depressed.  My self-confidence is in tatters because of some shit that is going on at work, followed closely by my weight issues, my hair, and my scabbed eyebrow. Yes, my eyebrow is scabbed. Why? Because I had my brows waxed yesterday by a lady who is not my regular aesthetician, and the woman ripped off some skin just below my brow bone where there was absolutely no hair to begin with.  When it happened, I thought to myself, "Ouch. That was skin." And sure enough. Looks like I got beat up. Lesson learned - stick with your regular girl when getting your brows waxed.

That's all I have in me to write tonight. I brought some work home (SIGH again) so I guess I'll go do it. Hopefully I will be able to get some sleep tonight.


Kteach said...

I'm afraid I am partly to blame for your sense of style, since I didn't provide a good example. I have always gone for comfort rather than style. I cannot even wear a scarf with some panache! oh well :)

Anonymous said...

Each of us is our own worst critic. When I see you, sis, I'm always impressed with your cute shirts and the outfits you put together. I've always wanted to have a little more flair, like you. :)

Hang in there! I know what you're going through, and you will come out of this rough time.

Love you!

emtes said...

I have never thought of you as someone without style! On the contrary. Besides that you have a great personality and I think it's all in your head :-)

I do understand that you're still feels bad about the robbery and I'm sure you will for a long time.

Hang in there. Have a great time at the wedding and enjoy yourself (although I get what you say about white legs! I know all about that believe me!)

Love you! Sending you and your family Swedish H.E.A.T hugs ;-)

Did you see that Aida and her boyfriend met Jonas (again!) in Barcelona. They had a great time :-)