Friday, May 10, 2013

#925 these two things are unrelated, kind of

My friend Nicole turned me on to a website called because we both love to check things off a list and a little bit of a challenge. What HabitForge helps you do is forge a new habit (of course). Not only did I take Nicole's advice on checking out the site, but I also copied her habit. She felt like she wasn't drinking enough water, so she challenged herself to drink 80 oz (10 cups) of water a day. I chose to go with eight cups of water a day.

The website will send you an email reminder every day in the morning - actually, you set the reminder time - and it will check in with you via email at night and you can click yes or no if you did or didn't do what you wanted. I like it! I've been doing it for about a week and it has helped me be more aware of how much water I'm drinking and helping me choose water instead of something else. I have found  that I feel full more often because of the water and I a weird thing is that I feel thirsty all the time.

It is said that it takes 21 days to form a habit, so that is HabitForge's timeframe. I'm already thinking of my next habit challenge. It might be to keep a food journal or to get to bed by a certain time. For whatever reason, I do better when I hold myself accountable. I don't want to click the NO button on the email response.

There's another new thing in my life this week:

My friend Mandy decided that she was going to do this and asked me if I wanted to play, too. I said no at first because squats aren't fun and they kind of hurt and 250 is a lot, but when she said that pretty much everyone in our department was doing the challenge, I decided that I could do it too. Plus, what if all those squats actually make my bum look a little nicer? It can't hurt right? Well, it can hurt if you don't have the proper form.

My other friend Brian asked pretty much everyone to demonstrate their squat form. He went onto the Cross Fit website to find out how to do them correctly. You want to sit back, pushing back your booty like you are sitting on a chair. You want to keep your knees from going in front of your toes because that will mess up your knees super quick. I am very aware of my form because of my knees. I probably don't squat down as far as I should, but I can certainly feel it where it should be felt!

Today was Day 5, so I did 70 squats. I did them in five sets of 14. It was a lot. It took a little bit of time. I felt that the squats I did today were of better form and quality than the ones I did on the first day. It's a good challenge. I don't think this will be the last 30 day challenge we do. I think that someone is already looking for the next 30 day challenge for us.

By the way, we don't do our squats in the office. We all do the squats on our own, but then we report to each other and tell about our pain and encourage each other to keep on it. It's pretty fun.

Oh my gosh...I was just trying to come up with a title for this post and I wrote "drinking water and doing squats" and it made me laugh because when you drink more water, you have to go potty a bit more frequently and how do you lower yourself on the potty? You squat. HAHAHAHAHAHA

1 comment:

Kteach said...

I may check the website , but no squats for me!