Saturday, September 7, 2013

#1005 blood, football and Eminem

This is the first Saturday I've been home in three weeks. Well, that's not quite true. I was home in the afternoon three Saturdays ago. That's when we got home from our anniversary date in Wendover, but I took a long nap that day and didn't do anything.

Today I went to the Red Cross and donated blood. It was my first donation in about two years. In 2011 we went to Samana, DR and last year we were in Belize, both of which are considered malarial zones.  Because of the malaria potential, I have been off the donor list. Since it's been over a year since we were in Belize, the risk is over and I'm back to giving blood. I am happy to donate my blood, but I'll be honest: I wish I had gone back to a malarial zone this year!

After the donation, I came home to watch Utah beat the crap out of Weber State in football . The final score was 70-7. I'm glad that the Utes got the win, but I don't really like it when Division I teams play Division II teams, although the DII teams get a bunch of money to get beat up like that.

T and I went to Costco this afternoon. Tomorrow I'm going to do some bulk cooking to store in my freezer. I'm planning to make a bunch of spaghetti sauce, some taco soup and maybe some taco meat. I'll be watching football too. :)

ABCFamily has been showing a Harry Potter marathon. We started watching during the fifth movie (Order of the Phoenix) and now we are on what we call 7A (Deathly Hallows Part 1). We do love us some Harry Potter!

We did take a break from Harry Potter to watch the halftime show of the Notre Dame/Michigan game. Why the halftime show, you ask? Because there was an interview with one Marshall Mathers aka Eminem. He was there to give us all a little preview of his new music video and then he spoke briefly with Brent Musberger and Kirk Herbstreit.

Em looked like he was completely wasted, staring at the camera with his eyes all bugged out and his mouth hanging open. When Brent finally got Em's attention, he sort of snapped to, but the interview was a train wreck. Was Eminem pulling a Miley Cyrus to get us all talking, or is he back on the drugs?

Weird, right?

That's all for today!

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