Saturday, January 4, 2014

#1082 unravelled and a little less cluttered

If you are interested, I was up until 2 AM doing the unravelling exercise last night! There were a few questions/comments I left blank; I was starting to get a little tired. Mostly, though, I thought it was pretty fun and I will be interested to look at it again at some point. I'm not really sure what to do with it when it's done. I think I would like it to be a "living document" that I refer to monthly or quarterly. I'll be checking Susannah's blog to see what she says.

Since I was up until the wee hours, I slept in this morning. It was nice. I took a quick shower to wake myself up a bit, then I decided to tackle my first de-cluttering project: my nightstand. Next to my bed, I have a little bookcase that MT made where I keep my journal and books I want to read and other assorted crappy little things that I think I'm going to look at later. I haven't moved or removed anything from the bookcase for quite awhile. It was dusty and awful. It was time to clean up.

I am not a good housekeeper. I like to have a clean house, but I don't focus a lot of time on more than the very most basic of household cleanup. The area behind my bookcase was horrifying. I am not proud of the dust monsters - way past dust bunnies! - that were back there. I'm embarrassed. :(

I took everything out of the bookcase. I vacuumed everything, I mopped and scrubbed everything. I sorted out all the books and put  back only the books I truly intend to read this year.  I threw a bunch of things away. I set it up all nice and tidy. I feel a lot better about it all.

See those binder thingees over to the right in the after pic? They are not there anymore. I put them away in a more appropriate place. I was in a hurry to finish up because I told T that we would go to the mall.

This was just a small project and it took me a little bit of time to get it all cleaned up. There are some areas that will take longer I'm sure, but it will be worth it. I was so dang pleased to get this little corner cleaned up, I am really looking forward to my joyfulness when I clean up some closets!


Kteach said...

awww gosset survived the purge!!!!! :D

Good job!

Anonymous said...

love it! I also like that you turned it.
I haven't unraveled yet :( I did print the pages out on Friday. I wonder if I will be able to be as honest with myself as it seems you were.