Sunday, March 12, 2017

#1834 three things: my insurance, national insurance and more daylight

I think I can think of three things to talk about tonight.

1. Insurance. Since it's been a couple of months since the knee surgery, I decided it was a good time to check with the hospital and the insurance company to make sure everything was billed and being processed. I looked at my billing from the hospital, and it looked like everything had been billed. I looked at my insurance and noticed that the biggest claim was not listed. I called the insurance company to find out about it and they said they hadn't received the claim. Together we called the hospital and it turns out they just sent in the claim on Monday the 6th. Gah! Why the delay? Probably because the hospital knows that they will get the money? The insurance company said it will take 30 to 45 days for them to process the claim, so I will have to keep an eye on it. I'm pretty close to meeting my out-of-pocket deductible for the year as it is. My biggest fear is of one day getting a bill from the hospital for $30,000. I get sweaty just thinking about it.

2. Speaking of insurance, let's talk about Trumpcare. The Republicans HATE the Affordable Care Act and have always wanted to repeal it. The GOP finally came out with their plan last week. I haven't read it, but I've heard the highlights, or lowlights, depending on your point of view. What I have heard the most is that older people will pay more for their insurance. At first I thought of my parents. My dad has large medical bills every month. How would the new plan affect him? Then I was watching the national news, I think it was on CBS, and there was a graphic about how people aged 50 - 64 would be affected by Trumpcare. The graphic indicated that insurance premiums would increase for that age bracket by around $5,000/year. That's my age bracket! Gah! I work for a company that pays the premium for my insurance and it covers T and MT also. But, my out of pocket premium is high. How will Granite deal with the Trumpcare factor? I'm thankful I got my knee done this year.

3. On a lighter note, Daylight Savings Time is here. (Get it...lighter note, daylight savings?) Last night I set my clock forward by an hour. I ended up waking up at 4AM and I couldn't get back to sleep. I read and played with my phone and finally fell back to sleep around 6AM. I woke up again around 9AM and thought maybe I'd take a nap, but the day has flown by and I don't really have anything to show for it other than I finished a book. Now it's 9:30PM but my body kind of thinks it's 8:30PM but I'm going to bed because if I don't, tomorrow will be awful. Also, I'm going back to work full-time tomorrow, so the day might be long and tortuous anyway. I'm pretty sure I'll be super tired tomorrow night.

Have a great week!

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