Monday, May 7, 2018

#2039 magnificent Monday

My sister had a friend who would regularly post on Facebook something that he was grateful for. She has another friend who posts a page of gratitude every week or so. At the beginning of each new year, I choose a word to be my guide, a touchstone, a mantra, for the year. This year's word is Gratitude. On the right hand side of this little blog, there is a space where I write something I am grateful for on the day I write. I think I want to expand this idea a little. Since Monday is sometimes kind of a downer, I will use today's post to list some stuff I am thankful for.


  • for the ability to ride my bike 20 miles pretty much right off the couch and not feel sore afterward. (I can't lie: my seating area is a bit tender today!)
  • that my sister has safely returned to the U.S. and that she had what seems like a great time in Scotland.
  • for beautiful spring weather.
  • to drive around with the windows rolled down.
  • Toast. (Don't scoff; sometimes it is the only thing that sounds good.)
  • that Osi hasn't had any seizures for awhile. *knocks on wood*
  • that T is clean and sober.
  • that MT is busy and happy.
  • for a job that keeps me engaged and entertained.
  • that my mamacita is doing well.
  • that the family is safe and healthy.
  • that I don't have to wonder about what to read next. Seriously, my to-read list is long!
Good night!