Thursday, January 3, 2019

#2149 sad day

Today has been tough for me, friends. My dad passed away a year ago today and I've been feeling blue. Last night as I was trying to fall asleep, I kept flashing back to the first few days of last year when Dad had made the "transition" and we knew the time was getting close. The memories came back so strong and vivid.

Tonight I decided to post a few pics of my dad. It made me smile to look back through the files at these photos. Some of them I remember well and some, not so much. My dad was a great guy who loved his family. He was quite a storyteller and had a fabulous memory. He enjoyed driving and loved a good road trip. The last road trip I took with him was when Mom, T, Dad and I went to Mount Rushmore in July 2010. It was squishy back there in the back seat of the Dodge truck, but I'm sure glad we got to go.

Anyway, here are some pics:

I took this one in August 2011. We are in California at a restaurant, but I don't remember if there was an occasion or if we were just out for food. 

March 2008 in the suite at a Jazz game. I'm not sure why he has this expression on his face, but I like it!

April 2008. He's either telling T a story about the USS Midway or telling him to calm down :)

July 2010. This is one of my most favorite photos of Dad. We were on the train ride between towns near Mount Rushmore. Isn't he the cutest?

There were lots more photos I could have chosen, but I had to stop. I miss him a lot.



Lizzie said...

Those are great shots!

josefa wann said...

It's so nice to see those pictures. I miss him too.

emtes said...

Great photos! And the last photo is just great and shows his humour I think. He really looks happy on that.
Miss him too and miss all of you. Love you <3