Monday, January 21, 2019

#2159 I need a prompt

I realized that I don't have a prompt for myself for Mondays. Every day of the week I have a little something that I can fall back on if I can't think of anything else to write about. There's Travel Tuesday, WW Wednesday, Three Things Thursday, Food on Friday, Saturday with Sandy and Weekend Wrap-up, but there's nothing for Monday. I'll have to ponder that.

I wondered if I had written on January 21 last year. I did. The post is #1988, if you are interested, and is about our trip to Mazatlan.

This morning it snowed like crazy here. It seemed like it wouldn't stop. There were local news stories saying that the highway patrol was advising people not to drive if they didn't have to.  My commute to work was slow but safe. Sometime after 1:00 the snow finally did stop, then it started getting cold, which means slippery roads. We decided to send the staff home early so they could get home before the roads got icy and the sky got dark. I was glad about it.

On Saturday I wrote that I was looking forward to watching football on Sunday and that I was hoping the Saints and the Chiefs would win. I did watch both games, but the results were the opposite of what I wanted. The LA Rams beat the Saints. There was a terrible, egregious no-call late in the game that would have sealed the Saints victory, but the refs f'd that up. Really, I'm not being a bitter fan. It is well documented that the call was missed by the officials and it could have been not just one, but two penalties. The New York Times knows.

In the second game, well, I don't even know what happened to the Chiefs. You can't spot the Patriots a 14 point lead in the first half. The Chiefs battled and sent the game to overtime, but pretty much everyone knows that if you give the ball to Tom Brady on a short field, points are going to be scored. With the NFL's wonky overtime rule, that means the Chiefs didn't even have a chance to score in OT.

So the Superbowl is set. The LA Rams will face the New England Patriots. I will be rooting for the Rams, but only because I just don't like the Patriots. The Superbowl will be on February 3.

Yep, it's clear that I need a prompt for Monday. This post was all over the place. I'd probably write more random things if I wasn't tired.

Good night! Be safe! Be kind!

1 comment:

Lizzie said...

How about Music Monday? You talk about a song or artist that's making you happy or you talk about someone you want see in concert, etc.