Friday, September 13, 2019

#2251 I want all the food

I have been struggling lately. Maybe I need more vitamins. Maybe I need more exercise or self-control or discipline. I have wanted to eat everything in sight for the past few weeks and it shows, both in my face and on the scale.

It seems I go through cycles. Sometimes I am motivated and focused on my weight loss. I eat well, make good choices, get good sleep, and break a sweat regularly. Then there is the cycle I am currently in where I eating whatever I want or whatever is convenient (fast food and bread), don't get enough sleep, and find excuses not to be active.

I sit in my WW workshop on Saturday and I listen to people talking about eating carrots and finding substitutes for cheesecake or brownies and all I can think about is getting over to Starbucks for a mocha Frappuccino and whether I'll have time to stop at Crumbl for a big ol' cookie.

This cycle will pass. There will come a time when I will get back on track with planning my meals and sticking to my plan. I need to be patient and kind with myself, but I do wish I would hurry up and get back to taking care of myself!

A friend at work has a white board on which she writes uplifting or funny or snarky quotes. She wrote this one months ago and I totally love it. Turns out it is attributed to the actress Sophia Bush. I don't know her, but I like her words:

Have a great weekend!

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