Sunday, March 1, 2020

#2338 in like a lion

We woke up to a bit of snow this morning. It wasn't a big storm, but it did snow continuously for several hours. There's a bit of the white stuff sticking to the grass at my house and to this tree at the gym.  I think it's pretty when the snow covers all the tree branches like this.

Mostly today I have been puttering around the house. I needed to sweep and mop and vacuum and dust. A bit later I'm going to put clean sheets on the beds. I'm also looking forward to putting my new weighted blanket on my side of the bed. Mom gave Lizzie a weighted blanket for Christmas. Lizzie told me how much she likes it and let me sample it while I was visiting. I had blanket envy, so Mom gave me some money to get one too! I had time this afternoon to zip over to Target to get it. I'm excited! I am always so cold when I get in bed. I tend to warm up in the middle of the night, then I get cold again and I pull all covers off MT. He has no designs on the weighted blanket, but I think he would appreciate some blankets on him in the morning.

Another thing I have been doing is cooking. I made granola! Why would I do that, you may ask. For Christmas one of the men at work gave me a baggie of homemade granola. I liked it so much, he gave me more of it along with the recipe. Mine isn't quite as good as his, but it's still pretty tasty. It was quite easy. It's just old-fashioned oats mixed with some coconut and chopped macadamia nuts. It is coated in a syrup of melted brown sugar with some oil and some vanilla flavoring. (My friend's recipe called for coconut and mango flavorings, but I couldn't find those, so I used vanilla.) I baked it at a low temperature for around 45 minutes, then put dried pineapple chunks in it when it was out of the oven. Yum! A tablespoon on top of my Greek yogurt in the morning increases my enjoyment of the yogurt a lot.

I also made tacos, because we love tacos.

A bit later I am going to make chicken fried rice with pineapple and cashews. That should get us through a couple of nights and maybe a lunch or two for me.

What's coming up in March? Let's see...T will turn 22 this month. He and I will go see Post Malone in concert. I've got a garden guide training at Red Butte Garden to learn more about the Water Conservation Garden area. My nephew Jake and his fiancee are going to have a baby this month, which will make my brother-in-law Kelly a grandpa. I'm hoping the weather will become spring-like so I can get out for a bike ride. That little warm-weather respite in California has got me itchin' to get outside and feel the sun on my face.

I'll be writing here on odd number days this month, so let's catch up on Tuesday!

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