Tuesday, November 24, 2020

#2468 thankful for hot tea and a good book before bed

During the Time of Covid, I learned to drink herbal tea. I think the moment came during a WW workshop (via Zoom) when the coach talked about drinking herbal tea. I have often thought that drinking tea was just like drinking dirty water. It didn't have a good flavor. I've tried herbal teas before, but I didn't care for it. One day, maybe in April or May, I tried again, and I did like it. 

Now I have several flavors of tea in my cupboard. I started out with iced tea. I really like the Tazo passion tea. Sometimes in the summer, if I was feeling really sassy, I would mix it with a little lemonade, just like at Starbucks. I am also a fan of the Tazo lemon loaf flavor. It's crazy delicious. A simple green tea with chamomile is also good. In the evening, I found a blend at Trader Joe's that called Well Rested tea. It has several different flavors and maybe it's the power of suggestion, but it really does calm me down and get me ready for sleepy time. 

I do put some sweetener in my tea. My favorite sweetener is Truvia.

Tonight after dinner, I put some water on to boil while I did the dishes. I poured the hot water over the bag of Well Rested tea and let it steep while I finished wiping down the counters. After that, I took my cup of hot tea to the couch and curled up in a blanket to read and drink my comforting beverage. 

Dang. I'm getting old, aren't I? 

It's okay. It feels great. 

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