Sunday, June 1, 2008

#122 fast weekend

Man, the weekend days just go by way too fast. Is it already 10:00 on Sunday night?

Today was good. MT was up early (as usual) and he headed over to the rental by 7 am. He asked if I wanted to help, but I was still in bed, just barely opening my eyes. He headed out. I couldn't get back to sleep, so I decided to surprise him and go over to the rental. I got there around 8:30. He was surprised, and pleased, I think. I spent the next couple of hours scraping paint off the window panes and cleaning the windows. My fingertips are sore from clutching the tiny razor. I also helped him move the gross stove and refrigerator out of the kitchen so he could tile the floor. I didn't see any creepy-crawlies, but there were signs. MT thinks the D-Con took care of the problem.

The house is coming along. He's going to tile the kitchen and bathroom and put laminate flooring in the front room and bedroom. It will look nice. There are pretty rose bushes blooming in the front yard and the arch between the dining area and the front room is cool.

After I helped at the rental, I came home and helped Dad with the deck. I admit that I didn't do much, but I think I was of some use. I helped hold the 10' board in place and made sure it was level. I also brought Dad a band-aid when he scraped his arm and brought him a cold drink. I also removed a screw from a board we took down. And, though this wasn't helpful to Dad, I thought of other things I could do in the yard to improve it and make it a place I'd want to hang out in.

In the afternoon, we went to the movies. MT and T went to see "Ironman." I saw "Sex and the City." I didn't really watch the show much when it was on HBO, but I've watched many episodes in syndication and I like it. I enjoyed the movie. I laughed and I cried. I also wanted to see every movie previewed. I love summer movies! What is more fun to do when it is roasting hot outside than sit in a cool, dark theater with a coke and a bag of popcorn and live vicariously through the characters on the screen? Not much. Except maybe a cold beer and a hot dog at a baseball game.

One of the previews was for a move starring Luke Wilson that was filmed, at least partly, in my parent's neighborhood! When the preview came on, I thought, "Wow! That looks like La Mirada!" Then I remembered that my mom told me that Luke Wilson was filming a movie a block away from her house. I think she even sent me a picture of him with a film crew.

Dad didn't go to the movies with us. We all went to dinner at our usual Sunday location, Chili's. Chili's is about the only restaurant I go to where I have something different every time. Usually I have a favorite meal at a particular place, and I have that most of the time. But not Chili's. Random, but interesting.

So that's it. May was a nice month. I didn't do much on my goals/tasks for the month, but it's ok. I have a new list of goals/tasks for June and it's huge and I hope to have a lot of check marks on it by the 30th.

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