Tuesday, January 27, 2015

#1360 a long vivid dream

This morning I had a dream that was so long and so vivid that I want to tell you about it. I had the dream this morning in between the time my alarm went off and the time I actually woke up, probably about 15 or 20 minutes. (I woke up a little later than usual today.) Here it goes:

I was at work and it was the Christmas holidays. Our break-room was full of food. There was food on every surface and the refrigerator was completely full. There were boxes of donuts on the counters. There was cheese and cracker plates on the tables. There were cold cuts. There were tins of popcorn. There were trays of bagels and pastries.

Kelsie, Nicole and I were in the break-room trying to figure out where to store all of the food. We were shaking our heads and talking about what to do when our friend Abby came in and asked what we were doing. When we told her, she said, "Just leave it and let's go!" Since it was during work hours, the three of us didn't think we should leave, but Abby encouraged us and said, "We never do shit like this. It's ok. Let's just go!"

So we piled into a car and Abby drove us to a big mall. Kelsie didn't know where we were, but I told her we were in Middleton. She wanted to know if it was safe, and I told her it was, so we walked around the stores and did some shopping. We went to a big common area that was full of people. There were tables around the perimeter of the very large room, so we sat down with our bags around us. Music started playing and the people who had been roaming around or standing around began to dance. When we looked again, all the ladies were wearing ball gowns, like in Cinderella and everyone was waltzing and twirling gracefully. It was lovely and we all pulled out our cell phones to take photos.

Quite abruptly, a curtain rose up from the floor and completely shielded the view of the room. The curtain ran around the whole room and it was very festive, decorated with snowflakes and Christmas trees. A lady standing next to me said, "I love this part!" Just as abruptly, the curtain fell back down to the ground and there was a row of reindeer standing nose to butt. The reindeer were holding in all of the dancing people. We were surprised by the large number of reindeer when suddenly the reindeer parted and Santa and Mrs. Claus came through the reindeer line to the front of the room.

At that point, Nicole yelled, "I have to go get Kellen!" and ran away. (Kellen is her little boy.)

Abby asked Kelsie and I if we needed to go home. We told her that we didn't, so she told us to get in the car so we could go somewhere else. Abby drove us through a neighborhood. On one side of the street were some extremely small and ugly houses, just shacks, really. On the other side of the street were enormous, gorgeous mansions, complete with soaring turrets and huge stained glass windows. On one corner was a house that must have been a Catholic church at one point. There were angels and gargoyles peering down from the ledges. It had a huge double wooden door and about 12 steps that led up to the door. On the steps were life-size glass statues, including about a dozen six foot tall Yoda statues, all made of glass.

We left the neighborhood and were driving on a narrow winding mountain road. On the driver's side was the mountain. On the passenger side was a wide shoulder that was all goopy mud, then a drop-off. As I gazed at the muddy shoulder, I glanced up to see the head of a very large horse. When we rounded a bend, I saw that there were three plateaus and each of them had an enormous statue of a horse. The statues were HUGE. I looked over at Abby and asked her where the hell we were. She told me to enjoy the view.

Kelsie was in the back seat singing songs. Abby was driving - no, careening - down the middle of the narrow road at a brisk speed. I was holding on discreetly but tightly.

I noticed in my mirror that there was a big pick-up truck coming up on our right side. I didn't think Abby saw him, so I mentioned that he was there. She said that there was no way the guy was going to get past her, so she moved a little in front of him. He tried to go around on the left side, but she moved over to the left. I was getting a little scared and nervous and told her to let him go around, but she wouldn't let that happen. He moved back over to the right and she suddenly turned right onto the muddy shoulder and flipped a donut sending a big shower of mud all over the guy's truck, because of course he had to do onto the shoulder too when she turned right in front of him.

Abby pulled back on the road but had the guy penned in on the muddy shoulder. It was so muddy that if he didn't keep moving, his truck would have been hopelessly stuck. I could see him cursing us and shaking his fist and he gently kept his truck moving. Abby just sat there looking at him until he finally bumped into our car, which by the way, was a bright red Chrysler 300. Abby yelled, "You better not have dented my car!" and then drove off, giggling. Kelsie was still singing in the back seat.

We got back into town and pulled into a big shopping area parking lot. Kelsie stopped singing and said, "I know where we are! Remember Abby? We used to come here all the time and have so much fun!"

Abby said, "I know! I do remember! That's why I decided to come here. I'll park the car and then we'll wander around."

We walked around the shopping area for awhile, then we decided to go see a movie. The theater had an outdoor ticket booth and the ticket taker was also standing outside. Abby and I were looking at the list of shows and trying to decide what we should see. I noticed that Kelsie was gone. I heard a golf cart coming toward us and turned to see Kelsie coming at us in the golf cart at top speed, yelling, "Come on Sandy! Get in the cart! We're going in!"

There was no possible way for me to jump on the fast moving cart. Kelsie blew past me, yelling at the ticket taker, "I'm going in!" I ran in after her, but I couldn't keep up. I heard her yelling "Beep beep! Beep beep!" and people yelling and cursing. I saw popcorn buckets flying as she zoomed down the crowded hallway of the theater.

A man grabbed my arm and told me that I couldn't be in the hallway because I didn't have a ticket and he dragged me back out to the box office area where Abby was calmly talking to a large man who looked just like Uncle Dursley from the Harry Potter movies. The man was bright red and he was sweating and shaking his fist while Abby explained that her friend was on medication and couldn't help herself. The Uncle Dursley-like man grabbed both Abby and I by the scruff of our necks and pushed us into a big room that might at one time have been the dressing room area of a department store. There were no stalls, but there were lots of mirrors on the walls.

By now Abby and I were wrapped in large blankets as if we were maybe inappropriately or scantily clad. I clutched my blanket around myself and sat in a metal folding chair. Abby was lying on the floor in her blanket and she was laughing her head off, holding her stomach and stamping her feet. "This is the best day ever!" she howled with delight. "Did you see Kelsie in that golf cart! It was awesome! It was the old Kelsie that used to be so fun. I can't wait to tell Kevin and Mr. Estimator Man!" We could still hear Kelsie yelling, "Beep beep!" in the hallway.

I tried to say that I thought Kelsie was always fun, and ask who Mr. Estimator Man was, but suddenly a little girl was standing beside me. She had not been there a moment before and she scared me so much that I shrieked. Abby immediately stopped laughing and started talking to the little girl. The girl was also wrapped in a blanket.  The girl was talking to Abby when I noticed a woman and another person sitting nearby. They hadn't been there before and I was getting creeped out.

Then I woke up.

So dream analyzers...what do you have to say about all that?

1 comment:

Kteach said...

WOW that's quite a dream!!! I'm surprised you remember it so vividly.

I dream a lot and am interested in the meaning of dreams, but yours is all over the place, so it's hard to categorize!

I will reread it, it was entertaining :)